Agriculture Project

Bulungula College’s Agricultural project introduces sustainable practical life skills to rural learners.

It empowers practical-orientated learners to develop, while enabling learners to provide healthy food for themselves and the community at large. It also fosters a culture of responsible behaviour through rotation of duties and responsibilities and emphasises the importance of indigenous knowledge to solve problems.

Under the guidance of staff and community experts, learners first prepare the land for sewing (tilling, laying manure, and fencing). They also learn how to assemble and install a simple drip irrigation system using perforated small pipes and an open drum, and are taught how to connect a portable water pump to a 12 Volts solar chargeable battery to pump water from the river.

Differential planting of vegetable seedlings in each season maintains a continuous supply from the garden and staggered harvesting times.

Learners develop a duty roaster to pump water from the river into the drum and water the garden. Different classes attend to the garden on different days.

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